Workcover insurance or “WorkSafe” insurance as it is referred to in Victoria is required even if you are a small company with only one employee. It is also a legal requirement if you have apprentices or trainees working for you.
For business, WorkSafe injury insurance is a specialised area of insurance which can be complex and difficult to understand. AB Insurance Solutions have access to external services that provide free advice and support on your Workcover issues, claims management advice or risk management to minimise the cost of your premium.
AB Insurance Solutions can also provide you with information for many other insurance requirements, including specialised insurance needs such as aviary bird insurance, aviation insurance, marine insurance and farm insurance. Contact our friendly team and make an appointment to speak with one of our experienced insurance brokers.
Refer to your current policy schedule for sums insured, and to the insurer’s product disclosure statement (PDS) for inclusions and exclusions to your current policy.